Dale Road Gate

Opening Hours

Dale Road Park gate will be open between 8am and 9pm (or Dusk) each day

Volunteer Locking & Unlocking Procedure for Dale Road Car Park

Key Points

  • Individuals should NOT be putting themselves at risk undertaking this duty.
  • Avoid confrontation with car park and other users
  • If you have any issues with locking or unlocking the car park, please report to Derby Parks Team as soon as possible.
  • In the event of an emergency, please contact the Police via 999.

Prior to undertaking activity:

  • Undertaken training in the Locking and Unlocking procedure with Derby Parks staff or appropriately nominated volunteer. This is to be recorded formally.
  • Agreed buddy system in place for each day and time frame for checks.
  • Agreed opening and closing times

Locking procedure:

  1. Wear high visibility jacket when undertaking task
  2. Lock at agreed time
  3. Check car park to ensure that it is empty
  4. If vehicles are within the car park and that they are not about to leave immediately, then leave the gate open
  5. If left open, can return later to see if vehicle(s) have moved, if not then leave open all night
  6. If no vehicles are in the car park then, unlock gate from the open position, close then lock in the closed position.  Taking care that no vehicles are entering into the car park at the same time.
  7. Once closed, then leave the site and report back to buddy
  8. If buddy has not heard back within an agreed period of time, then to investigate and action as necessary.

Opening Procedure:

  1. Wear high visibility jacket when undertaking task
  2. Unlock at agreed time
  3. Be careful of cars when undertaking this duty in particularly when locking in the open position
  4. Once opened, then leave the site and report back to buddy
  5. If buddy has not heard back within an agreed period of time, then to investigate and action as necessary.


The ‘Buddy’ System

Prior to completing these activities be sure to inform your ‘buddy’ that you are going to the park and when you expect to be back.

When you are finished, let your ‘buddy’ know that you are back.

Your ‘buddy’ should be able to raise the alarm if you are gone too long as there may be an issue you need help with.

Key Contacts

Derby City Council – Parks Team
Team Telephone – 01332 640 789
Email – parks@derby.gov.uk

Derby City Council – Neighbourhoods Team
Email – neighbourhoods@derby.gov.uk

Derbyshire Police
Telephone – 101

Friends of Spondon Parks


Risk Assessment

A Risk Assessment has been completed for this activity.  Copies of this can be requested via info@fosp.co.uk.